Wednesday, November 23, 2011

about a girl

I munched through the 5 inch beef oblong, which patty was steamed and then grilled to perfection, while watching the little girl manning the roadside stall. She was alone but not out of place, no older than a standard two pupil, she operate the little stall like a seasoned operator. I was more than curious to know this little girl story but it was not to be. After chewing the last bit of the delicious oblong , it started to rain and i quickly walk away from the place.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

wrong turn

i got it all wrong, again.

instead of telling the story as it is, i preach. as much as i want to be a good story teller, my voice sounded like a junior preacher with a learning disability . not that i consciously choose to be preachy in the first place but some how it just happen.

the only way to improve is to practice, and lots of it. the sounds might be irritating first but i believe i will improve, say that 30 more times and lets hope something beautiful to come out of this. haha.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

change is pain

How difficult it is to change your way of doing things given the fact that the things you do now is wrong?


Try swimming for instance, if you happen to master the art of breaststroke by yourself where 99% of the time you tend to over stroke and under paddle for the sake of your buldging abs, say hi to your swimming instructor in vain if you choose to be formally educated.

No matter how disciplined and regemented the drill is, i bet you will be cursing all the way to the end of the pool before you even manage to change the way your paddle, heck it will take you years!

The thing is, once your old sequence have been locked away in your clocking system, it will take some time to rewire the the setting. Most of the time, what will transpire is, the funny move you tend to generate when trying to do the right thing because rightly so your sense of coordination will failed you with flying colours!

Its pain to change, that is not an understatement, for the only way that i can think off in this situation is for you to just forget about how you do things previously because trying to ammend or tweak your way through it will not work.


Try having your fries with ketchup instead of cillies sauce, if you know what i mean.

teen no more

how many time have you actually sighed and went something like " i was way better than this " everytime you happen to be watching some sport with teens in it?

my oh my, the comparison was almost unavoidable, especially when you, for a brief moment in the teen life was a bundle of energy and was a somebody in something, regardless of how insignicant was those little moment, but to you, and only maybe you alone, you were the man at the point of time.

its have been plenty for yours truly honestly, which is sad if you look at it that way, because it basically mean you were a has been trying to glorify your sad existent, sad but true, but one would always been given his bragging right for its only human to be living in vanity, haha how classic is that for a change?

in retrospect, having been in the game for quite some time and also out of the game for so long time ago, one should be wise enough to know where one should stop from been too occupied with the past.

yes, you might be better than the current teen doing whatever their doing right now, but the reality is those beer belly and niggling joint were enough proof that maybe and just maybe your time was up.

changing cow

not so many changes did happen in the last few year, for some reason the lack of will to carry out the necessary, to me , is the real culprit. often time, couple with the selective nature of our ways of doing things hampers the true meaning of change. the politics, the comfort zone and the "tak apa" policy, just to name a few.

so how now fat cow?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

phelgming around

the weird sound emitting from the esofagus is actually air coming out from the phelgm infested chest, by now i would presume the situation have escalated to a new level considering the output which is basiccally a byproduct of a constant cough have been thick and murky, some of the time, the feeling to actually vomit is welcomed instead of this whole coughing experience.

yeah, it has been that bad, and to think that this actually is not the main reason why i am on sabatical is just plain wrong.

sometimes things are not what they seem to be.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

i need what i want

i want to drive a new car, or own one for that matter, who wouldn't? i want the latest gadget the industry could offer, i want to live in a posh, friendly neighborhood, i want to ride the new versys, i want it all. but honestly, do i really need them all?

the age old question, the need versus want, it's easier said than done, thats for sure, especially now considering how much have improved in terms of monetary gain and the abundance of choices one could make.

a good friend of mine once declared that a car to him is only a mean of transport from point A to point B, he wont be bothered or tempted to get a better ride ( more expansive of course) as long as the car served it purpose. as noble as the declaration may sound, he has actually twice upgrade his ride since then. he has his reasons and i believe a good one at that, so does this argument between want and need really matter?

it should be, i guess. we can spend all we want to get all the things we want but at the end of the day, do we really it is another matter.

with that in mind, maybe its high time for me to consider, to change the car, to get a better place, to upgrade new gadget, to ride new bike.

if only it was that simple.


As long as we can dine in a mamak restaurant without having to worry about animosity, prejudice and robbery, i strongly believe we can make the world a better place (yeah right). As long as the power that be realized that there is no easy way out in dealing this, then we are actually heading towards the right path.

the sense of security however minute it could be is a luxury we often take for granted, in this light, one should really take the oppurtinuity to embrace and spread the love. the man in charge on the other hand have to be on their toes all the time and play their part seriously to ensure this little sense of security among us because we really are threading on a very thin line.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

hiding behind the system

Hiding behind the system or should i say "doing things by the book" has become the norm among the mere mortal ( read : employee ). Its the glorified mantra, regardless of how ridiculous the circumstances may be, for example, it is ok to..say, do nothing when in actuality some action must be done, but no, due to the technicality, you are still okay. No ramifacation whatsoever.


blame it on the system if you like, i am too busy doing things by the book to even care.

Monday, October 31, 2011

good knowing you frank

Frankly speaking I have no idea what to write here. Seems that all that matters has been discussed here and there, so much so the point to recycle the issues seems too lame for me to even try. Maybe its the weather, maybe its the general feeling on the whole life experience, maybe i am not feeling too well, heck maybe its all of the above. i rest my case, the sooner i get over this phase the better, i am vulnerable now. haha .

maybe just maybe i just need some good rest. ah! thats a thought.

Monday, October 24, 2011

hello world 5.0

for the umptenth time in this short life, i am saying hello again to this world, and this time i hope i will do some justice on the time spent here. well, at least to myself

time will tell. we shall see then now shall we?